I2C question about pullup resistors

Are there pullup resistors on the Notecard I2C lines already? Or do they need to be added externally?


Hey Pat, good question. There are pullups on the SDA/SCL lines of the Notecard, so you should be ok at the prototype phase using the pullups already on the board. If you’re looking to spin your own board for a pilot or deployment, we suggest putting a scope on the SDA and SCL lines of your design just to make sure the signals perform as you expect, and add additional pullups, as needed.


Hey, quick followup question: in the Notecarrier-AE schematic v1.7.pdf I couldn’t find any hardware pullups on these lines, I could only find the 100 ohm series resistors. Are they internal pullups and do you happen to know the resistance values?


Thanks for posting. That’s a great question.

Yes. There are internal pull-ups. They are 10 kOhm.