Minimal circuit for notecard

Hi @yamanoorsai, you’re basic schematic looks sufficient - it supplies VMODEM, VIO, and I2C communication. You’ve clearly got it wired correctly since you’re able to add notes. Just to check, are you seeing a response when you add a note, indicating the new number of notes in the file, as below? Note that I am using a “.qo” file, which will cause notes to go Outbound from Notecard to Notehub.

{"req":"note.add", "file":"data.qo", "body":{"key":"value"}}
{"req":"note.add", "file":"data.qo", "body":{"key2":"value2"}}

If so, then the other requirement to send data is to set the ProductUID of your device. The ProductUID will identify the device on Notehub. For instance:

{"req":"hub.set", "product":"yamanoorsai_device"}

Once the productUID is set, the default mode of “periodic” should cause Notecard to connect to Notehub and upload your notes. If you log in to, create a project, and associate that project with your chosen ProductUID, you should see your notes under Events.

If you do not see them, then you may be experiencing a cellular connectivity problem. Please see this post for help in diagnosing this issue.

For future designs, you may find the design documentation for all of the Blues Notecarriers helpful. Schematics, BOMs, layouts, 3D models, Gebers, and more are available at GitHub - blues/note-hardware.