Special incoming note for processing on card?


I wanted to ask if there was a special note that you could send to the notecard and have it take action?

I know the usually way to do this would be to send a note, have the host processor retrieve it, and then pass it back as a command but sometimes for a quick check or operation update it would be nice to have that feature.

Perhaps a special name for note might trigger this behavior.



Hi @chris,

The scenario you present here makes a lot of sense, and is actually the purpose of the card.attn API. With this API, the host checks what it needs to only when notified.

If you’re trying to address a different scenario though, I’d love to hear it!


Yeah, I’m aware of that capability I was just curious if it’s possible to handle the need with no host intervention. Perhaps the host is locked up or otherwise unavailable and you want to do a field configuration change.


Hi @chris,

Normally we would recommend using environment variables for sending configuration updates to a Notecard (or project, fleet, etc) as those don’t require the usage of a host MCU. Curious to know more about your specific use case though - what are you trying to do that wouldn’t require host intervention?


I can think of a few but you might want to set an aux io remotely. Pretty much anything you can do from the USB terminal might want to be done remotely during development.