Confusion between start and sync

I’m trying to figure out the difference between the start flag the sync flag. They seem to both be used in the examples and sometimes the comment states “start” flag when what actually get used is the sync flag. My hunch is that sync is for continuous mode and start is for non-continous mode ?

Hi @tavis,

The Notecard API docs should be the canonical source for understanding start vs sync (they are used in a variety of different API calls). However, I’m a bit concerned that you’ve come across some old/mistaken guides that may use start in place of sync though (a problem I thought we had rooted out already). Any chance you could post a link(s) to the doc/guide you are talking about?


In the basic arduino example, the sync flag is used but the comment states to use the start flag. I’ve already submitted a pull request to correct the comment but now I’m not so sure if it’s correct.

Thanks for pointing this out! We found a few issues with using start vs sync in these Arduino examples and have fixed them now.

Please let me know if you run into any other issues.


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