Card.status is never "connected"?

As I noted elsewhere

After going back to basics I realized that I was passing bad data in the


My notehub address is com, not org


As such, hub syncs were not happening. It appears than unless a sync is done, things like card.time is not populated. I would have expected card.time to reflect the network information (i.e. tower coordinates, local time, etc), and independent of a valid sync. Because there was no error I didn’t realize this until I stated from scratch and noticed a

{“alert”:true,“status”:“connect delayed (57 min remaining): opening notehub: no project was found with product UID product:org.documenteddesigns.brian:test_project_1 {product-noexist} {service}{extended-service-failure}”,“time”:1620398664,“completed”:9}

I think this is a transient message: if you don’t ask for hub status at the right moment you miss the message and just realize the sync reply isn’t right.

I believe this is pretty opaque, especially to people learning the system. I might be wrong about these various things but either improved documentation or better yet, improved error messages might be useful.